Friday, October 7, 2016

Essential oils

For a while now I have been Considering trying essential Oils. while I was a skeptic for a while I decided I can't be a skeptic if I've never even tried them. How could I say to myself something doesn't work but never have tried it first.  it's like saying you don't like a food that you never even ate before.

So recently a friend on Facebook asked me to join an online class to learn more about Young living essential oil.  Currently being pregnant there's not many things you can take or do if you get sick Or have a headache. Anyone who has been pregnant can tell you there is nothing worse than having a cold a and being pregnant.  Having a cold is bad enough but adding a pregnancy to that is even worse. As always with many things While pregnant there are certain oils to avoid.

I have 2 preschool age  children ages three and five. So you know  if you're a mom of small kids the kind of germs and sickness is they bring home from school.  that is one of the main reason I really wanted to try a essential oils. Because at this age there is not much you can give them to help with a cold.

Essential oils can be taken or used several ways.  they can be aromatically, they can be applied topically or they can even be taken internally.
Here our the three Ways to use essential oils

rub 2 to 3 drops of essential oil between Palm and inhale.
-You can add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot water cover your head with a towel and breathe in slowly inhaling the steam.
-use your favorite essential Oil in a diffuser.

-place  2 to 3 drops of essential oil directly and massage in dilute with carrier oil if necessary or directed.
- essential oils can be applied to wrist,temples, the back of the neck, the chest and the bottom of the feet where you get the quickest absorption.

- The vitality line specially designed for  you to take internally.
-  some  oils can be used for  flavoring  when  cooking. Such as lemon pepermint, basil.
- you can add a few drops to a glass of waters or juice or tea to enhance flavors of teas or beverages.
-you can also create your own blend by placing a few drops into a gelatin capsule and swallowing it.

*As always consult individual product labels for usage and directions. Also for further  concern it's always best to consult you heath care  physician for health concerns. 

I'm going  tell you about few  oils that I was interested in and what made me choose to try Young living oils.…oils can be used for so much it's hard to name everything so here a few things.  Reason why I wanted to try them . Anxiety for me and my kids.  Mood booster or calming especially being pregnant my fuse is so short. Sleepy time oils for the whole family some oils help with more peaceful night sleep.  Skin issues such as acne.  Most important to me is immune boosters. Keeping the house free from germs. There is a million ways to use oils but these are just a few. Oil  aren't just for humans.  They even had a pet line too for pet wellness who knew.

These are just a few I would need a whole another blog post just to talk about oils and benefits.  Young living has a seed to seal promise. They only start with the best seeds. cultivate, distill and test them throughly until they are sealed and inspected in your bottle and ready for you to purchase and use.


The number one essential oil that I was most interested in was thieves.  It's a unique blend that was crafted in the 15th century.  When diffused with in 10 mins of diffusing it can kill 96% of airborne germs and bacteria according to research. Thieves is unique blend of cloves, cinnamon, rosemary, lemon and eucalyptus.  It's a immune boosting oil that is safe to use on children when diluted to help boot their immunity. Or shorten a cold.  There are soar throat remedies, homemade chest rubs. If your concerned about  over the counter chest rubs with a ton of chemicals in it  then making a homemade chest rubs with out the chemicals might be for you.

Thieves is so popular that young living devoted a entire line of products just to this oil. They have everything from house hold cleaners, rooms sprays, laundry detergent, to tooth paste,  and cough drops.i can't even name everything

 Here is my personal testimonial. When I received my kit I was already into a full blown cold.remember  I'm pregnant so I can't tak anything for it. My husband and youngest were also sick.  I started diffusing theives right away. Just in time By the next morning my husband woke up and said I can actually breathe again. We also mixed with a carrier oil and placed on the bottom of our feet.  I also mix some thieves with lemon oil  with a glass of water and gargle . By the next morning I was already feeling better and I couldn't believe it.  Within 1 full day of  starting to defuse the oil  and gargling we were all on our way back to feeling normal.


Is know for its calming purposes.  It's great as a room spray or to diffuse at night for restful night . I bought this along with another oil (cedar wood) to see if it would help my husband sleep better at night. (My husband is a huge skeptic and said it wouldn't work) I was happy to say he said he did have a more restful night sleep with the oil in the diffuser.

My oldest was also feeling feverish so I applied some lavender and lemon with a carrier oil  to his back and  I am being completely honest I can't believe how fast it worked within a hour he didn't feel warm anymore. I think I'm becoming a oil beliver very quickly.

*fun fact it take 27 square feet of lavender plant to make 1 single 15ml bottle of young living oil.


I have been getting headaches daily with this pregnancy. Peppermint has been a lifesaver. I put 1-2 drops on my thumb hold it on the roof of my mouth for 30 seconds poof my headache goes away. Why or how does it work I don't know but it does and it has saved me.

*with pepermint I have read you should avoid it in third trimester.also use very cautious with children   .


 One last oil I want to tell you about. Is the purification oil. What I liked about this oil is it used for many different purposes. too many to even name. This oil eliminates odors. if you have pets or children maybe that play sport. You can create a room spray or homemade fabreese spray that's chemical free.  You can also put a few drop in smelly shoes to Eliminate odors.  Have a pimple place a drop on a cotton ball and place on pimple it will be gone by next day ( I personally tried this one couldn't believe it.)   Freshen up a wash machines odors with a few drops in machine. I could go on on about this oil.

Starter kits  

I choose to purchase a starter kit I thought you go big or go home.You get the most bang for your buck.
So the starter kit starts you with 10 oils + 1 bonus oil stress away blend.
Plus 10 sample packs  2 sample of their Energy supplement of and more
Starter kits start at 160. That includes your diffuser and 11 oils.

I'm going to be putting together a Facebook online class if your interested in signing up for that please email me here please feel free to email me any question I loved to help answer questions for you.  I won't pressure you to buy anything just sharing something that is helping me and my family and maybe it will help yours too.

If Trying oils is something you might be interested or already ready try you may sign up with me here .   Young living essential oils
Sign up as a member to get kit for 160.  They also have a rewards program which I could tell you more about it if you sign up but it's not required in it's not obligated to sign up for that.

What I like about young living is I'm in a Facebook group of 4000 plus oil ladies from  all over the country so if I have question about any oil like which oil do I use on acne? Which oil is best for a bad cut? Which oil do u use for soar throat ?  All I do is post a question in the group and they answer it. If you are on fb and sign up I will add u too this group as well.

I hope your able to learn something new and loved this post I thought I try something outside the ordinary fashion post. Please  feel free to contact me with any questions.
To sign up for Young living through me

Hope you are loving this too


* disclaimer this is a non sponsored post I purchased all content with my own money.  The opinions in it our from my personal experiences*

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