My second Stitch fix came. Boy was I excited. I tried not to buy anything this month June closet diet was going on. I failed quick as soon as I opened this.
So what's Stitch fix well if you don't know it's simalar to rockbox or ipsy bag but with clothing. You get a personal stylist after you take a survey about your style. It only 20.00 to sign up. Once you sign up you can use that 20.00 toward a purchase. So for example one of my items I want to get is 38.00 and if that was all I would keep. I would use the 20.00 towards it so the piece would only cost me 18.00. If you keep all 5 pieces they also give you 25 % off. When your done there is a pre address package you send anything that you are not going to keep back to them. You check out online then wait the long month till your next box would come.
Side note; my stylist really knows my style I have her my Instagram to look at
Every piece she sent this month I adored.
Tell me which pieces should I keep? I want to keep them all but I don't like how some look on. Tell me what you would keep.
If you like to try stitch fix I would love you to sign up here -->Try stitch fix
I know if you try it you will say I'm loving this too. Xoxo
- Danielle
So here is what the stitch fix looks like when it arrives.
Here are the pieces you always receive 5 items. 3 tops and the necklace dress not pictured
I think I'm keeping this one and maybe this blush one? Help me decide
Not keeping this top or the dress. I love the top and the dress but it looks funny with a Cami and or you can see my bra in both.
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